Sunday, 2 September 2012

27/8/2012 - Argumentative Essay

Hey guys!!

       As usual, every Monday, we will practicing on writing. This week we try to write an argumentative essayAn argumentative essay is an essay that debates or argues a particular point made within the topic of a given paper. Argues  here means that we as writer agree or disagree with the point. We have to choose whether to agree or disagree with the statement then we can continue to write the essay. Agree or disagree with the point, you must using reason to support your opinion so that the readers convince that your point is right. 

          This type of essay must have a stand on an issue and be supported with solid reason and strong evidence. Next, discuss the other side’s reasons and then rebut them because we want readers to know that we have considered all sides of the issue and  we are reasonable and open-minded too. The introductory paragraph is same like others essay that is you need to include hooks.

        Next, the thesis statement Must clearly states which side you are for. žOften mentions the opposing point of view. Writer’s opinion is expressed in the main (independent) clause, and the opposing point of view is normally put into a subordinate structure.

         The expressions that can be used are

  •              Many think that
  •              Some people feel that
  •              Opponents say that
  •               It may be true
  •               Although
  •               Even thought
  •               In spite of the fact that
  •               Despite the fact that
  •               While/ Whereas

         Next, Miss Zu give us question and start the writing individually. The question is " Women are becoming bolder as well as aggressive and men are more sensitive. Agree or disagree with this statement. Support your opinion with reasons and examples." 

                              I will put my writing inside here.. It might be wrong.

          As what we can see nowadays, women are seen to be a good competitor to the men in almost all fields. Women are no longer become a housewife and did not know anything about the work. Although there is strong evidence that women in the past are naturally born to be more sensitive and dependent, nonetheless nowadays women are more capable of being bolder and aggressive in giving brilliant ideas especially in the workplace.

            Various people now believe that men are more capable and aggressive compared to women in doing a task at the workplace since they have high confidence level. As we can see in big firms, there were many other men than women in the following leadership profession roles which are top management, executive, senior team members, middle management supervisors, middle management, and supervisor. On the other hand, women also have their own special and specific role in a company. According to Jena McGregor (2011), Joseph Folkman and Jack Zenger states that on average, the study found, that women were more usual to outscore men on everything from “displaying high honesty” to “driving for results”.

            Those who are against these ideas may say, men are the one who born as a leader. They will do the best and always success in whatever task that is past to them. Martenson, Rita (2008) indicates that what seems to be clear is men are more convinced and more aggravated to invest than women. Nonetheless, that statement is irrelevant since women nowadays capable to take initiatives in order to solve the problem they face and practicing self-development to compete with male workers.

            Opponents of this idea claim that men can think and focus more on the establishing rules in order to make the aims of the organisation successfully. Nevertheless, this statement is not strong enough to convince that men are bolder and aggressive since women seem to be as an asset to a big firm since women can be a good negotiable compared to men. Dale, Heather (2009) states that according to a poll by Ignites Europe, the majority of asset management professionals believe that women hold the upper hand when it comes to asset management.


            Based on what matters that we argue, it obviously shows weaknesses of men compared to women. It is clearly shows that women nowadays are becoming bolder and aggressive whereas men are more sensitive. Do you still think that men are bolder and aggressive than women? You should think twice as we have a strong evidence to convince.

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