Wednesday, 26 September 2012

20 September 2012 : Last Class!


Alhamdulillah...  After several days holiday at home, I am going to update my last blog today... :) Hope all of you are done updating the blog and studied for the final!!   Study hard guys! :)

 Miss Zu return our letter back with smiley face... (:

     Okay, today Miss Zu taught us several tips to answer final paper for Bel 311 on writting part..  In these part, Decision Making is Important!! We need  to identify the words that indicates the types of writing.. 

     For example, ‎"Environmental Consciousness should be Cultivated among Students" ..  Word 'should' here is the keyword for Argumentative Essay  where there will have stand...

      Next, "Why People Choose to Plastic Surgery and the Risks Involved".  Cause-Effect Essay is suitable for this question since the keywords are 'why' and 'risks'.. 
       "The Enforcement of the Law is Not the Answer to the Suicide Problem". The word, 'is not' indicate Discussion Essay..


     There are just a few example for you to recognized what type of essay that the question ask.. This is important because if you writes a wrong essay, you will only get marks for language which is the maximum is 8 marks..

     Next, we start to ate... It was an awesome moment that I would not forget... (:  Thanks to Meera, Afiq & the gang!  

Sweet memories ever! 


Lastly, I wish all of us will get good result for the final examination...  Hopefully, all of you happy and satisfied for what we have done.. :) 

       Last but not least, I will presented our beloved Miss Zu.... Taadddaaaaaaaaaaa..................  (:

                                                        The only one Miss Zu.....

Keep on Dreaming!!

        Absolutely right... (:

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

18 September 2012 : Inferences & Prediction

          Hey guys!! Did you all went to the "pasar malam" just know?? There must be a lot of food sold there right?

           Making inferences & prediction are what we were learn in the class today.. Definition of infer that my classmate answered when Miss Zu asked were make conclusion, reason and opinion. However based on what Miss Zu taught us, infer means predict, assumption and guess. Inferences are what the author implies or suggests. The author wants you, the reader, to make the jump to the same conclusion the author has made. When the author implies something, the reader has to infer. 

          You need to read to make an inferences. While you read, your inside voice must :

  •    Makes guesses
  •    Finds connecting points for example Topic Sentence
  •    Asks questions
  •    Makes prediction
  •    Personalizes the reading like we assume we as what the writer want to implies
  •    Uses background knowledge to interpret

 djej              We infer all the times. Usually, we infer on feeling at a empathy for characters, laughing at a joke, discovering an answer to a riddle, getting a sense about the setting of a story, reacting to facts, and solving a mystery

                     An example :
  •               A simple inference
  •               Use  background knowledge
                              A Simple Inference
                      " If the skies suddenly grow very cloudy and the wind begins to whip around your         legs."

                                                  * How do you infer this sentence?

  •          You have seen this weather pattern before
  •          You have background knowledge about storms
  •          You make connections between your background knowledge and the current weather pattern
  •          Based on these connections, you are able to make a prediction.


                              Use Background Knowledge
                 " Even couples with only mild difficulties in communicating can have important misunderstanding. Marjorie, for example, wanted Ken to invite her to a favorite cocktail lounge overlooking a baby to celebrate their anniversary. She archly asked him, "Ken, do you feel like going out for a drink tonight?" Ken, who was feeling tired, missed the hidden message contained in her question. He responded, "No, I'm too  tired." Marjorie was extremely disappointed. Only after feeling hurt and sorry for herself did she realize that she had not communicated to Ken her real desire - to celebrate their anniversary. When  she later made dear her true wish, he readily agreed to celebrate."


                      In order to make an inferences, you may used hints in the text and asked yourself questions. For example :

  •           Ken "readily agreed" is a clue. You asked yourself, "Does this mean he didn't understand at first?"
  •           "No, I'm too tired, " is a clue. You made a connection to this statement and Marjorie's hurt feelings.
  •           "For example" is a clue that a story is coming. You could predict that the author was going to give a specific example, or story, to illustrate the point.


  •           is defined as the use of one's knowledge about language and the context in which it occurs to expert what is coming next in writing, movie, speech, etc.

          In Order to be a Good Readers', you should :

  •               Glancing the over the text to make some predictions about what they are to read or watch
  •               Look for familiar words or topics - get some background knowledge
  •               Find out the writer's purpose

                                  How to Predict? 
  •           By asking questions that the text might answer
  •           Using prior knowledge or experience
  •           Drawing logical association 
         Question to ask     
         Answer that the text may answer
         Content of text based on prediction
         Why do the police personnel have to lose weight?
Health problems
      Details on overweight and diseases due to weight problem – diabetes,  hypertension, Image of police who suffered from the problems

            Here, I also provide an exercise for you to practice what you have learned.. So, let's try it!!

Monday, 17 September 2012

16 September 2012 : Holiday (Hari Malaysia)

         Today we have no class since yesterday (16 September 2012) was Hari Satu Malaysia!

            Daaaaaaa..... Enjoy your holiday!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

13 September 2012 : Class Cancel!

           Assalamualaikum and good evening guys!  As we all know class for today is cancel.. Again! Class on Thursday will be cancel.. It's have been two weeks if i am not mistaken..  However, we still need to submit our discussion essay in hard copy to Miss Zu room.. That's all for today... Amigos!!

          Take care guys! Enjoy your weekend! Happy 1Malaysia Day!! :)

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

11 September 2012 : Present Discussion Essay

             Assalamualaikum Miss Zu and my friends... (:   Today is the day.. Today Miss Zu seem like in bad mood. I taught the PC is not functioning very well... So I taught we will cancel the class for today.. Unfortunateely, the PC suddenly functioning after Meera checked for it.. Thanks to Meera.. :s

            Okay since there is only one men group consist of Ameer, Megat, Ayus, Afiq & Kilat, so they was going to present first. Next, my group has been choose by Miss Zu to present our Discussion Essay : Human Trafficking. Nad, Ika, Saleha, Shima are the members of my group. This happen because Ika texting someone in class.. Hi2.. Just kidding.. Sorry Ika! :)

            Miss Zu comment on my paragraph that the sentence structure is scattered. I need to paraphrase it again.. Sorry my friends because of me, we only get 8 marks.. hihihihi..... 

           I will provide my essay here for those who want to read it, please read it.. Sorry if our essay is not good as yours.. :)

10 September 2012 : Watch movie "Taken"

Hey Dude! How's your day today?? Hope it is a great day.. (:   Today class is quite exciting when Miss Zu told us that we gonna watch movie "Taken" directed by Piere Morele. This movie tell about seventeen year-old Kim is the pride and joy of her father Bryan Mills. Bryan is a retired agent who left the Central Intelligence Agency to be near Kim in California. Kim lives with her mother Lenore and her wealthy stepfather Stuart. Kim manage to convince her reluctant father to allow her to travel to Paris with her friend Amanda. When the girls arrive in Paris they share a cab with a stranger named Peter, and Amanda lets it slip that they are alone in Paris. Using this information an Albanian gang of human traffickers kidnaps the girls. Kim barely has time to call her father and give him information. Her father gets to speak briefly to one of the kidnappers and he promises to kill the kidnappers if they do not let his daughter go free. The kidnapper wishes him "good luck," so Bryan Mills travels to Paris to search for his daughter and her friend. 

     * She is Kimmy... :) She is very beautiful...

        * Birthday present from her father on her birthday party!

Sunday, 9 September 2012

6 September 2012: Speaking Test (Group 4, 5 & 6)

       Happy Thursday!  Class today was speaking test for group 4, 5 & 6.

        Afiqah's group get the topic was "ways on how to protect animals and plants from extinct".  Arif gives his idea to have forest reserves.  Besides that, they also give other relevant point. However, they choose forest reserves as one of the best way to protect animals and plants from extinct.

         Examples of forest reserves :

Forest reserves Banjaran Crocker

Forest reserves Bukit Jugra

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

4 September 2012 : My Speaking Test!

            Assalamualaikum.. Alhamdulillah we still can breath today. :)

            Okay, today I want to update my current activity for Bel 311 class. Today my group consist of Meera, Aten & Ameer is the first group for the speaking test. We come early this evening because we want to prepare ourself and share the opinion and knowledge all about speaking test. We also tried to remember feeling expression (paper that Miss Zu gave on 9 August)..

            Besides that, we also discuss about the flow of our discussion before Miss Zu entered the class.. Plus, we tried to remember what Miss Zu has said in yesterday class. 

           Next, let's talk about the speaking test. "Discuss way(s) to curb the trafficking men, women, child in Malaysia". I only remember that thing. hi2...  We start our discussion today with informal conversation as what Miss Zu advice us to do. Next, we continue with general statement based on our topic and then we talk about the factor of that problem to occur. After that, we start to argue about our point. I think, in this section all of my members did a great job except for me. :(  

            I love to see Meera, Aten, & Ameer personally give their opinion with an example that make me easily to understand it and convinced me. Besides that, I like Ameer makes an personal experience spontaneous when Meera asked him about his opinion. Everyone agree that government should play their important role in order to curb trafficking women, men & children to Malaysia. Besides that, other organisation or individual also should give cooperation to the government to since we stay together in Malaysia! Btw, Happy 55th National Day! The community or citizen have more big impact if they give their useful information to the government about trafficking activity that occurs around them. Then, policeman or Kastam can ambush the 'hot place' that this activity happen. 

             Stand up & let's sing it together! (same like when we are in secondary school)  :)


3 September 2012 : Practice Speaking Test

Hey dude! what are you doing right know?? Updating the blog hah??

       Okay, as we know it is Syida, Malis, Durrah & Megat form Group 2 turn to practice. I think all of them did great. All the point given is relevant and excellent. It is great even though they are not prepared. Sorry if I'm wrong.. :(

        This is the question : "Malaysians are generally not punctual, and this bad habit is often seen when they attend formal functions. However, punctuality is a good habit that should be cultivated. Discuss ways Malaysians can overcome this problem of being habitually late. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give reasons for your choice(s)."

      Syida points are:

  •   value the time 
  •   change your attitude/ cultural
  •   set reminder at least one week before the event   
         *I only remember this point.

                                               Durrah point of view are:
  •  campign
  •  janji di tepati
  •  have a diary


   Malis think that :
  •  should set the alarm   

                                         Megat argue that :
  •  set the reminder  
  • don't eat much

          * sorry if I'm wrong. I don't remember....

         * to be honest, I really afraid for my speaking test the next day because Syida's group hade present a lot of point but yet there is still many more time left! How hard it is.. :(  But I like their point.. :)